We had a 6 year plan. We bought our land, we'd slowly start working on it and by the time Bob retired in 6 years we'd be ready to build. The timing changed when Bob was offered early retirement - and took it - no looking back! This worked out great for us in terms of time & money. We really want to move from our current home and live mortgage free with lower taxes. The plan now is to start building as soon as possible. We've got the house plan drawn, priced logs, have decided where we want the house on the lot and have started clearing the land. This blog will be a chronicle of our homesteading. From the first walks around our property to move in date, we hope to capture it all here in words, photos, & video. Friends & family keep tuned in - you may all be called on for expertise, a strong back, or maybe just to join us on the porch for a cup of coffee!

Vicky & Bob

Jan 14, 2012

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Early fall

The house stained. Thought I posted this earlier - guess not.

We traded the Harley for this. The bike couldn't did trenches, pull stumps, make the driveway...but it was a hell of a lot of fun! We can always get another bike - once the house is finished.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Back to building

We've started working on the cabin again every weekend. We lost most of the summer due to family matters, but we're back at it.

The sanding inside is a 2 step process. 1st I use the grinder with sanding disc to take off the heavy stuff. Have to be careful not to dig too deep. 2nd I use the orbital sander to smooth out any rough spots. Bob always seems to find other things to do when it's time to sand. Hmmm...

Sanding progress

We've had a time trying to stain the outside with all the rain we've had. We've had almost 2X our normal rainfall this summer! We're a little more than halfway around staining the outside of the cabin. We're using Penofin Brazilian Rosewood oil stain. The color is Sable. The top photo is the closest color rendition.

Staining the furnace room

Bob sprays while I trim the foam insulation from the window openings

Brushing to catch the runs

We love our work
Now if only the Haverhill house will sell...

Sunday, August 18, 2013


This past weekend while I sanded Bob power washed the entire outside of the cabin. Once that dries we'll put on the stain.

Used 2 of these 275 gal totes to complete the power washing

Front Before

Front After

Back of house

Making some headway

Had some time over the last 2 weekends to get a bit of sanding done inside. Got about half of one long wall done.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Slow going...

Bob finished framing in the windows last weekend and we did some test spots sanding. Lot's of work ahead and extremely limited to when we can get there.

We're listing the Haverhill house with a realtor this week. Our stint with Picket Fence (sell it yourself) proved a waste of time & money. There are people who sell through them - but not us. Not even close.

Guess it just wasn't time yet. I'm still believing we'll be in the new place before winter.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our last log has been laid!

With completion of the furnace room last Sunday we laid the last log for the house. The heavy work is done.  Next steps are power washing & staining.

Fist logs for furnace room

 Leveling the logs on the door frame

That's the last log!

Whoa Grandpa!

We had Skye a couple of weeks ago for the afternoon and evening and she was helping Grandpa on the bulldozer - for a short time. She didn't like the bumpy ride!

She decided she liked playing with butterflies more!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Cabin work time!

It's almost summer and we're working at the cabin again. We've been working on the Haverhill house all winter getting that ready to sell. Bob finally finished the mud room and it looks great. We're giving all the rooms fresh coats of paint in hopes of selling. It's been slow going. We've advertised in a sell it yourself publication and on line but not much interest so far. I keep thinking positive!

We've transplanted lots of plants from Haverhill to Newbury - lilacs, iris, hosta, bleeding heart, lady's mantle, hydrangea, echinacea, sage, oregano, lemon verbena, raspberries, garlic...
trying to get a little of everything over to landscape once we move in.

Our first big task this summer is to complete the furnace room. That shouldn't take long and we hope to have some logs left for beams for the shed. Need to start that this year so we don't have to fork over another $50 for a new permit. 

Pray for our Haverhill house to sell - soon!

Pushing brush down the hill
Start of the furnace room
Some of the transplants