We had a 6 year plan. We bought our land, we'd slowly start working on it and by the time Bob retired in 6 years we'd be ready to build. The timing changed when Bob was offered early retirement - and took it - no looking back! This worked out great for us in terms of time & money. We really want to move from our current home and live mortgage free with lower taxes. The plan now is to start building as soon as possible. We've got the house plan drawn, priced logs, have decided where we want the house on the lot and have started clearing the land. This blog will be a chronicle of our homesteading. From the first walks around our property to move in date, we hope to capture it all here in words, photos, & video. Friends & family keep tuned in - you may all be called on for expertise, a strong back, or maybe just to join us on the porch for a cup of coffee!

Vicky & Bob

Jan 14, 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone health, happiness, prosperity, peace, & joy in the coming year.

We've  accomplished much since embarking on this journey. We've enjoyed the work - with the exception of the roofing. We've had help from family & friends and appreciate everything everyone did for us.  
Thank you.

The new year is a time for reflection and setting goals for the coming year. This blog is a wonderful way to look back over the year and see how far we've come. It's not just about the accomplishments. The memories we made and the joy of working together building our cabin will be with us always.  Spending time together, appreciating each others' company, is part of what makes this so special. For every log laid and every spike driven there is a laugh, a cooling breeze on a hot summer day, a hawks' call, rain, a scrape, a bruise and a ****, a leaf falling, a sunset, snowflakes, cold fingers, warm coffee, conversation, prayers for clouds & sticky feet on the roof, wildflowers, deer tracks, trees swaying in the wind, blue sky, caterpillars, contemplation, life. May you enjoy and appreciate every minute.

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